THE PIZZO (of the mafia)

The description below of the "MAFIA PIZZO", "PAY THE PIZZO" and "THE PRACTICE" are quotes from the free encyclopedia Wikipedia.
This PIZZO already existed in the 16th century. The media can speak freely about it. Those who do not want to respect the rules of PIZZO can turn to the Italian judges who are fighting this tool of the mafia).

It is a form of racket practiced by the Italian mafias against local traders, called «protection» in jargon.

It also means paying in kind, for example for a company to hire someone (often a member of a criminal organization), providing compulsory assistance to mafia-like cases or accepting contracts with companies directly dependent on the mafia

The mafiosi go to a merchant and do not ask him directly to "pay the "pizzo" but to "put themselves in order".
Those who do not comply may be burned, ruined, mistreated or even killed. In return, protection is provided: local mobsters can bypass the bureaucracy and end conflicts with other companies. Pizzo collection allows the mafia to stay in touch with the community and to exercise control over its territory.


It dates back to at least the 16th century, since a written document from 1585 attests to this in the Vucciria market of Palermo.

In May 1675, a man who refuses to pay by alerting the authorities of Partinico is killed the next day by a gunshot



THE PIZZO (of party)

The term "PIZZO of parties" comes from the term "PIZZO of the mafia" whose mode of operation of the "PIZZO of the mafia" has been taken up by the parties of the Swiss Parliament. It is a version (2.0) of the "PAY THE PIZZO (mafia)", which incorporates four improvements:

1) It is much more secret than the "PIZZO of the mafia", because it works with media censorship. The big benefit is that all citizens without parties do not know that it does not help to ask their judges to respect the Values of the Constitution, because the judges who want to do so can not be elected and they no longer exist!

2) It is not the merchants, but judges who must pay the "PIZZO of parties" to the parties of parliaments to have a position of "high magistrates" as that of federal or cantonal judge. This prevents victims of PIZZO from turning to independent judges to demand respect for the Values of the Constitution, since parties only elect judges who undertake to "PAY PARTY PIZZO" and "to respect the PIZZO Values of PARTI, in exchange for their protection by members of the party of parliament".

3) The parties have the power of oligarch by choosing judges who protect the decisions of the party in exchange for payment of a PIZZO of parties. With the PIZZO of parties, parties in Parliament will elect members of their party who have committed to enforce their party’s directives. These values are not generally the fundamental human rights that are part of the values of the federal constitution. By hiding the existence of the "PIZZO of parties" from their voters, the party members betray the 90% of Swiss citizens, who are "citizens without parties" and who cannot imagine that the parties have entered into this secret contract with "the high magistrates of Switzerland they have elected" which allows them to violate the values of the Constitution with the protection of parties.

4) The PIZZO of parties violates the separation of powers without the knowledge of citizens without parties. Party members can tell the citizens without parties that "THE STATE IS US", because they have hidden "to the citizens without parties" the existence of the PIZZO which means that Switzerland is not a state of law, and that the separation of powers does not exist. Party members use the "PIZZO of parties" to take control of all supervisory authorities by using the violation of the separation of powers and by making citizens without parties believe that this separation of powers exists, with the statement that "STATE IS US", whereas the State is only them.

Every "citizen without party" can verify for himself, that the members of the parties have subtly suppress the popular juries in the Courts with procedures that violate human rights. They have set up new supervisory authorities such as "The Councils of the Judiciary", which violate the separation of powers and make Switzerland a state without law. The new codes of procedure - which they have put in place by hiding the existence of the PIZZO of Party "to citizens without parties" - no longer allow magistrates to enforce the values of the Constitution.

Most cantonal and federal elections are flawed and unfair, by the existence of this PIZZO of parties that has been hidden from the people by elected officials and which allows to vilify the information communicated to citizens without parties.

The last federal election shows that citizens are having less and less confidence in their elected officials. The media are censored, and they cannot reveal that this trust is linked to the lack of transparency and sincerity in the information they must communicate to citizens,resulting from the censorship of the media on the existence of this PIZZO of parties.

he pizzo of parties was described in a parliamentary inquiry request filed in 2005 by an elite of citizens who did not understand why a Tribunal President was manifestly violating the Values of the Constitution during a trial hearing. At that time, this elite of citizens speaks "of practices that make people shiver" which violate the values of the Constitution, because none of them knows the existence of the "PIZZO of parties", which is a "secret contract"
to read:

the request for a parliamentary inquiry : 051217DP_GC

Dr Erni, who is an EPFL engineer and respects the Oath of Archimedes, has written a book for everyone to discover how these practices work that make people shiver, which he calls in his book: Le Péril suisse Tabou"

Click here to download the book: "THE INFILTRATORS & THE OATH OF ARCHIMEDES". This book describes "those practices that make people shiver" which show the functioning of PIZZO de Partis, before its name which was secret is revealed by the RTS

This book can also be accessed at the following web link (it is a free version):

To note that following the publication of the book and a complaint lodged against the Swiss Press (which complained that it could not give the right of reply, following the announcement that its freedom had been restricted by party members!!!).... was shown that the media could not enforce the declaration of the duties and rights of journalists as a direct consequence of the censorship exercised by the parties in Parliament on the Swiss media,

.....for the first time on November 21, 2024, courageous journalists revealed the existence of the party PIZZO to "citizens without parties", which is at the origin of this censorship of the Swiss media.


La Constitution suisse garantit à chaque citoyen le respect de ses droits fondamentaux avec le principe de la séparation des pouvoirs. Elle décrit des Valeurs que tous les élus et magistrats ont l'obligation de faire respecter. Les médias montrent régulièrement comment les magistrats sont assermentés pour faire respecter ces droits fondamentaux, en ayant cachant l'existence du PIZZO de Partis qui vicie le serment.

Lorsqu'on voit nos Conseillers fédéraux - qui se font assermentés - tendre les trois doigts en disant qu'ils jurent de faire respecter les Valeurs de notre Constitution, personne ne peut imaginer que pour être élus au Conseil fédéral, ces futurs magistrats sont choisis par des partis qui les libèrent du Serment de faire respecter le Serment suisse des trois doigts, avec le PIZZO de PARTI, qui est un contrat occulte qui leur assure la protection des partis si ils violent les droits du peuple pour faire respecter les instructions du parti.

Le PIZZO (2.0) a été inventé par des membres d'une organisation criminelle infiltrée dans les partis pour que les hauts magistrats qu'ils élisent doivent honorer les règles du PIZZO des partis, en sachant que si ils ne le font pas, ils seront salis, harcelés et leur carrière sera détruite. Ce contrat a été fait par les partis avec les membres de cette organisation criminelle pour violer délibérément les Valeurs de la Constitution qui garantissent les droits de chaque citoyen.

Le gouvernement suisse a été sévèrement épinglé par le GRECO du Conseil de l'Europe en 2023 pour n'avoir pas pris des mesures pour faire respecter les droits de l'Homme, à lire 250106DE_IG, page 4, mais il continue à violer les droits de l'Homme.

On ne peut que recommander aux jeunes qui veulent un avenir dans un Etat de droit respectueux des Valeurs de la Vie, d'exiger le respect des Valeurs de la Constitution.

A chacun de découvrir ici la différence entre ces deux contrats que sont le "Serment Suisse" et le PIZZO des partis" dont le second sert à briser le premier :

C'est un contrat de confiance transparent, servant à respecter les Valeurs de la Constitution, que les membres du Parlement, élus par le peuple, doivent s’être engagés à respecter pour être élus par les citoyens suisses.

C'est un contrat de confiance secret servant à briser le SERMENT SUISSE émis par les élus des partis, que doivent respecter les juges pour être choisis et être élus par les partis des parlements suisses. Ce contrat sert aux membres des partis à violer les Valeurs de la Constitution


A observer que :

Les citoyens, qui ne sont pas membres d'un parti, ne peuvent pas imaginer que le PIZZO de Parti est un "contrat secret" qui permet aux membres des partis d'imposer aux Juges fédéraux et Cantonaux de faire respecter des décisions de parti qui violent les Valeurs de la Constitution.

Citizens, who are not party members, cannot imagine that the PIZZO of Party is a "secret contract" which allows party members to impose on federal and cantonal judges to enforce party decisions that violate the Values of the Constitution

No citizen, who is not a member of a party, can imagine that our high federal and cantonal judges must "pay a PIZZO party" to be elected federal judge or cantonal judge. They did not know, until 21 November 2024, that the highest federal and cantonal judges are not required to respect the values of the Swiss Constitution, but instead they must commit themselves to obey the directives of the parties.

This contract also serves to make death threats against "citizens without parties" who demand the respect of the fundamental rights of our federal Constitution.

This was described in the request for a parliamentary inquiry filed in 2005 by an elite of citizens, including phyisicists, who adhered to the Values of the Oath of Archimedes. The latter addressed themselves to the members of the Vaudois Parliament whose members are obliged to uphold the values of the Swiss Constitution and those of the ECHR.

Read the reference : 051217DP_GC

The expert appointed by the Parliament of Vaud to deal with the request for a parliamentary inquiry explained that the Vaud judges were violating the rule of conflict of law, but did not say that the parliamentary inquiry described how "paying the PIZZO of the parties" worked.

The tenacity of this elite of citizens who filed the request for parliamentary investigation, including EPFL engineers who apply the Oath of Archimedes, allowed to show the censorship of the media by elected officials.

Dr Erni, who is himself a physical engineer, wrote the book "LES INFILTRES & Le Serment d'Archimède" which shows the functioning of this Swiss Danger Taboo which is the party PIZZO.

All citizens are advised to read Point 6 of the book , page 69 to 118, which shows how our elected officials act without the knowledge of "citizens without parties" by hiding the existence of PIZZO from them.

Finally, journalists - who were not allowed to give the right of reply to Dr Erni and talk about the content of the request for a parliamentary inquiry - revealed the existence of the PIZZO of the parties by directly interviewing the magistrates who must pay it

They did a good investigation by reporting on November 21, 2024 that the Swiss government was severely criticised by the GRECO of the Council of Europe in 2023 for not taking measures to ensure respect for fundamental human rights which are enshrined in the Federal constitution which the Federal Council has committed itself to uphold through its Oath of Office.

They give the references of this report of the GRECO, which apparently include members of the Swiss government who obviously know the PIZZO of the parties.

This GRECO report addresses the risks of corruption in the judiciary with the processes used to select and appoint judges.

Here is the reference of the report given by journalists that everyone can consult here :

Fourth Evaluation Cycle, Prevention of Corruption of Parliamentarians, Judges and Prosecutors, Addendum to the Second Compliance Report, Switzerland, Adopted by Le Greco at its 92nd Plenary Meeting (Strasbourg, 28 November- 2 December 2022)

In this GRECO report, it is discovered that the members of GRECO cite the initiative for independent federal judges that the members of the Federal Council had recommended to "citizens without parties" to reject by hiding the existence of the PIZZO of the parties:


GRECO recalls that this recommendation was partially implemented. Regarding the first part, GRECO had welcomed the reflections underway in the framework of the justice initiative, as well as the parliamentary initiative 20.468 proposing to prohibit contributions from elected judges and donations to parties. However, it was too early to know whether this work would bear fruit and this part of the recommendation remained unimplemented. The second part of the recommendation was satisfactorily addressed and the third part was satisfactorily implemented.


50.      V

In view of the conclusions contained in the second Fourth Cycle Compliance Report on Switzerland and in light of the above, GRECO does not see any progress in the overall implementation of the recommendations. Switzerland has consistently implemented or addressed only five of the twelve recommendations in the Fourth Cycle Evaluation Report..
Of the other recommendations, five remain partially implemented and two remain unimplemented.



Reminder: Responsibility of decision-makers and EPFL engineers

Scientists and EPFL engineers in particular have a responsibility for the use of the know-how they develop with the resulting risks. The EPFL Engineers' Title is protected. It is a reference that allows a decision-maker to obtain a service respectful of the values of EPFL. The 1948 UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights is part of the EPFL’s values.

In the 1980s, globalization with political excesses, corruption risks and media censorship led EPFL engineers to adopt a Hippocratic Oath for doctors. It’s the Oath of Archimedes. This Oath gives the power and duty to the engineer to communicate important information to decision makers who use the know-how developed by engineers to protect human rights.

Faced with political excesses and the risks of corruption, as the doctor has a power and a duty to protect his patient with the Oath of Hippocrates, The Archimedes Oath gives EPFL engineers the power and duty to communicate important information to people chosen to protect human rights.


Conditions for filming the RTS report:

Censorship of the press by the elected representatives of the parliament on 10 May 2022

On 10 May 2022, Swiss journalists complained that their freedom had been restricted by the majority of elected members of Parliament. Either a gross violation by our elected representatives of the respect of the values of the Swiss Constitution.

What no one knew was that Dr Erni, who respects the Oath of Archimedes, had asked for the right to reply to RTS on information communicated by the MPC to Swiss television. This was an important piece of information that dealt with the follow-up to the LAUBER case. It endangered the respect of human rights of Swiss citizens.

This restriction of the freedom of the media was unlawful. The declaration of the duties and rights of journalists, which is guaranteed by the Swiss Constitution and the ECHR, did not allow our elected officials to violate the rights of the press.

This intervention showed corruption in the parliament as defined by GRECO in its report cited above

It should be known that if the Swiss government censors the media, it is an insult to journalists who have rules of ethics which are "the declaration of the duties and rights of the journalist" (2024_code_journalis)

They all have their own judgment and it is up to them to check when asked for the right of reply, whether the information is reliable or to verify it. Switzerland was a democracy with a constitution until 10 May 2022. It is no longer a state of law since elected members of parliament have taken the decision to censor the media.

Engagement of Alain Berset on January 1, 2023


Alain BERSET was aware of this media censorship which was illegal

On 1 January 2023, he staged at the Swiss National Museum to reassure all citizens.

He made a magnificent speech, where he recalled that the Swiss citizens are sovereign with our unique democracy whose adage ist :


The journalists must have been reassured. Dr Erni thanked Alain BERSET for his commitment to all Swiss and in particular the "citizens without parties" who represent more than 90% of the Swiss people

To read : 230106DE_AB


Alain BERSET requested privileges from the RTS

Alain Berset

Alain BERSET has shown great respect for Christian values

He met the pope, but did not lift censorship on the medias.

When RTS wanted to do a report on him, he will impose his conditions of being able to control the content of the report. In short, RTS could not talk about this censorship that made Switzerland became a fascist state. He had good reason to do so following a legal notice from the Vaudois Bar Association, as provided by Dr. Erni, see below.

Everyone knows that the preamble of the Constitution states, I quote :

Conscious of the common achievements and their duty to assume their responsibilities towards future generations, knowing that only those who use their freedom are free and that the strength of the community is measured by the well-being of its weakest members,...

... Dr Erni, a Swiss citizen, once again used his freedom to ask for the right of reply for this censorship that was still not lifted.

To read : 231209DE_PR

He also addressed directly to journalists who have: "the declaration of rights and duties of the journalist" that their employer must respect

To read : 240116DE_JC

The complaint filed with the Press Council

He then exchanged correspondence with the journalist, the Press Council and the RTS leaders. They could only confirm that the media were censored in Switzerland.

In other words, the elected members of parliament could violate media freedom with impunity without citizens knowing. They had the power to deceive public opinion with the big smile of Alain BERSET as do impostors.

It was incredible that an Alain BERSET who presented himself as the President of all Swiss did not intervene when elected members of parliaments censored the media without even giving the reasons. It was unthinkable that this television star, President of the Confederation, could not protect press freedom without all citizens knowing.

It was a huge change from the 1980s, when journalists like Federico Camponovo, Claude Barras, Didier Estoppey, Gil Baillod.... , could speak freely and defend the freedom of the press and that of Swiss citizens..


The legal opinion of the Bar Association communicated to Alain BERSET, President of the Confederation

(This notice of right has not been communicated to the RTS)

En 2023, le Dr Erni a adressé au Président de la Confédération Alain BERSET un avis de droit d'un membre de l'Ordre des avocats vaudois qui prenait position sur les pratiques qui font frémir décrites dans la demande d'enquête parlementaire 051217DP_GC

This counsel took the following position :

Reference document : 051217DP_GC

Taking up the position of a member of the Bar (notice of law for a fee)

(1) the text of the request for a parliamentary inquiry with explanations by Philippe BAUER describes crimes committed with the violation of the prohibition of conflict of interest, with the interventions of the Bâtonniers

(2) The law applied by the President of the Bar RICHARD described in the request for a parliamentary inquiry does not exist.

(3) All the magistrates who are aware of these facts described in the request for investigation know it!

(In particular, all federal judges knew it)

If citizens can no longer trust their doctor who respects the Hippocratic Oath, or EPFL engineers who respect the Archimedes' Oath, the Switzerland described in the books does not exist anymore. Citizens should no longer fund federal councillors and elected officials who betray them.


The writing of the book the INFILTRATES and the Oath of Archimedes

Alain BERSET did not promote respect for human rights, but he was appointed as Secretary-General of the Council of Europe to bring his expertise to the members of the Council of Europe. Dr Erni then wrote the book "INFILTRÉS & le Serment d'Archimède to ask the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe to verify together with Alain BERSET and Claude ROUILLER the facts described in the book. He sent the book to selected people including RTS journalists.


It is in these conditions of censorship of the Press that the two journalists of the RTS made their report :




Listen to the report on RTS replay: IS MY JUDGE PARTISAN ?

we learn that:

1) There is a secret contract between the party directorates and the Courts called LE PIZZO which has been hidden from all "citizens without parties" who make up more than 90% of Swiss citizens
2) The high magistrates of the country as the Cantonal judges or the federal judges cannot be elected without paying the PIZZO

3) All senior magistrates must be members of a party. They are chosen by the party and protected by the members of the party on condition that they pay the PIZZO and respect the decisions of the party

The PIZZO is a contract that allows them to violate the values of the federal Constitution to enforce the decisions of the party by being protected by the party.

More than 90% of Swiss citizens do not know. All the "citizens without parties" imagined that they elected these deputies who defend the values of the Constitution, while all the elected have hidden from them the existence of PIZZO which is used to violate their oath to respect the values of the Constitution
Switzerland has been severely singled out by GRECO, which stresses that the election of senior magistrates in Switzerland does not prevent corruption and that it has taken no corrective action

The GRECO report does not mention the revelations made by the two investigative journalists who reported on 21 November 2024. This report shows that it is no longer about preventing the risk of corruption, but that corruption has been established by the judges and elected representatives interviewed who said that PIZZO is used without the knowledge of "citizens without parties" to impose values that are not those of the Constitution but that of the party’s leadership.

Everyone has learned that parties protect the high magistrates whose decisions they influence


In their own way, these journalists have shown the importance of the Archimedes' Oath, which allows EPFL engineers to communicate important information without it being censored by parties in Parliament.

They also honoured their declaration of the duties and rights of journalists, by finding a way to communicate the existence of this PIZZO of parties that makes Switzerland no longer a state of law, even though they were censured.

They showed that the PIZZO of parties is used to violate the separation of powers by elected members of parliaments, without the knowledge of citizens without parties.

Since then a copy of the book "LES INFILTRÉS & Le Serment d'Archimède was sent to the President of the Federal Court, Yves DONZALLAZ.

Yves Gonzallaz

Opposite: the President of the Federal Court !

He is interviewed by two journalists of the RTS' Temps présent programme on this PIZZO of parties, whose existence was hidden from all "citizens without parties" until 21 November 2024

The TF Chair confirms that the PIZZO violates the separation of powers. He states: :

""Without independence of the judiciary, there is no rule of law""

Listen to the Temps Présent of 21 nov. 2024: 241205DE_IG

Read the letter addressed to the TF President: 250114DE_YD

n summary

Since 21 November 2024, the elected members of parliament and state councils, who enjoy all their discernment, can no longer invoke the separation of powers or the independence of justice, not to deal with cases of violation of the Values of the Constitution by the high Swiss magistrates.

Indeed, the "SWISS OATH" and the "PARTY PIZZO" are two contracts that must necessarily be known to all elected members of parliaments, when citizens complain that parliamentarians do not answer their questions on the violation of the Values of the Constitution:

Until today, the elected representatives who replied that "the separation of powers did not allow them to answer" can no longer ignore that the PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERAL COURT, Yves DONZALLAZ, interviewed on the PIZZO of parties confirmed that this occult contract made by the parties without the knowledge of their voters, violated the separation of powers. They cannot ignore the fact that the President of the Federal Court has said that without an independent judiciary there is no rule of law..

Ces faits étaient déjà connu en 2005, lorsque Me de ROUGEMONT, l'expert du Parlement vaudois a dit qu'il y avait violation de la règle de conflit de droit... C'est la censure des médias pendant ces 20 dernières années qui n'a pas permis de découvrir l'existence du PIZZO de Parti.



Since 21 November 2024, no one - who reads these lines - may not be unaware that the party PIZZO is an occult contract which serves to the magistrates to break their SWISS OATH to respect the Values of the Constitution in exchange for their election and protection by the members of the parties. This contract secretly violates the separation of powers. It means that Switzerland is no longer a state governed by law.

This is what the image below symbolizes, with:

On the left :
le symbole du Serment suisse des Conseillers fédéraux qui jurent avec trois doigts de respecter les Valeurs de la Constitution

in the center
The two highest magistrates of the Swiss Justice, who were well aware of these two contracts which are the Swiss Oath and the PIZZO of the parties, namely:

Me Claude ROUILLER, who was President of the Federal Court, the year in which Foetisch committed his economic crimes saying he was untouchable with his high-level connections
Michael LAUBER (to the right of Me Claude Rouiller) who was the Attorney General of Confederation, and who was responsible for handling the file on the parliamentary inquiry request while he was in that position as Attorney General of Confederation.
Michael Lauber knew he had to respect orders from parties that violate the Values of the Constitution in exchange for party protection. He has wonderfully well hidden from the people, the secret hearing of Judge Treccani with the defendants of 4M who assured Me Foetisch to obtain the prescription for his crimes committed with the practices that make tremble described in the request for parliamentary investigation..

It didn’t work when there were leaks about the secret hearings without a PV that he did with Gianni INFANTINO. It should be noted that these secret hearings with Gianni INFANTINO had an international scope. They were reported by journalists who could not hide from other countries this dysfunction of the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the Confederation..

Some of the elected officials wanted to protect Michael Lauber and another decided not to protect him. But nobody knew that these same elected officials were aware of the way in which Michael LAUBER had handled the file of the parliamentary inquiry, which also concerned a secret hearing and the false expertise of the former President of the TF, Me Claude ROUILLER.

To the right :
The symbol of PIZZO of parties. This symbol shows that the PIZZO of parties breaks the Oath of federal councillors by ensuring their protection of parties without the knowledge of "citizens without parties". No one could have imagined that our high magistrates must pay a PIZZO to the parties to be elected. Nobody knew that this mafia contract allows federal councillors and other magistrates to violate the rights of "citizens without parties" in exchange for party protection.

Serment Suisse Claude Rouiller Michael Lauber PIZZO de Parti




It took 30 years to show that in Switzerland it is useless to file a complaint, as Foetisch had announced in 1995 to justify his crimes, because there is the PIZZO of parties which neutralizes the Swiss Oath
This pizzo of the parties does not allow citizens without parties to enforce their rights guaranteed by the Swiss Constitution and the ECHR, which the sworn Federal Council has committed itself to enforcing.

The report of Temps Présent shows that the government has no solutions to end PIZZO because by taking control of the Federal Court and electing only those judges who are committed to respecting the decisions of the parties, there is no longer a single magistrate who can enforce human rights, and protect EPFL engineers who demand respect for the Values of the Constitution that are not those of the parties

The only solution is to receive external help or the establishment of supervisory authorities that are under the total control of the people to choose judges and verify that they do not respect the decisions of the parties but that they respect the values of the Constitution.



Michael LAUBER, Attorney General of the Confederation, was a senior jurist. The PIZZO of parties did not allow him to express himself freely.

Here Dr Erni informs you as EPFL engineer that Michael LAUBER was in charge of the file describing the violation of the Values of the Constitution with the parliamentary inquiry request cited above, reference  051217DP_GC.

He knew that the High Magistrate Jean TRECCANI, who was promoted to deputy federal judge, had issued a dismissal of charges to cover up the economic crimes committed by Me Foetisch, without ever having heard the defendants.

But there was an inconsistency that he and the former TF President, Me Claude ROUILLER knew :
Dr. Erni went to the cantonal court without notice. He had discovered on file that there was a secret hearing between the defendants and Judge Treccani. The latter knew that the defendants had violated the copyright by being in possession of all their discernment, as those who violated Gisèle Pélicot in the Trial of MAZAN rapes enjoyed all their discernment.

Every time Dr. Erni’s lawyers have been to the Tribunal, they never found that hearing record.  They said the accused had never been heard by Judge Treccani. His lawyers said that Dr. Erni was wrong. The secret hearing record that he saw at the Tribunal had never existed. One of Dr. Erni’s lawyers brought the Tribunal file in to review and show it to Dr. Erni. Another lawyer made the same request. He received the file with a photocopy ban. With Dr. Erni, this lawyer found in the file the evidence proving that the secret hearing had taken place, but they were unable to prove it since they were forbidden from photocopying this deposition.

This piece could not always be produced to prove corruption, whereas Dr. Erni’s lawyer had seen it on file. In the request for a parliamentary inquiry, this lawyer had to renounce his mandate on the day of the hearing, when Dr. Erni was falsely accused because of this piece that had disappeared from the file. He could not testify to this act of fraud that citizens without a party can not imagine, such as the secret hearings without PV of Michael LAUBER with Gianni INFANTINO.

It should be noted that there was a criminal complaint filed against the federal judges who prevented the investigation of FOETISCH’s economic crimes after the discovery of this statement made with a secret hearing that had disappeared from the file

The Federal Council intervened to prevent the investigation of the criminal complaint that had been stifled by the federal judges with the party PIZZO. At that time, the members of the parties invoked the separation of powers to say they could not intervene.

The parliamentary inquiry cited above, reference  051217DP_GC simply showed the threats of economic blackmail and death that followed after the Federal Council prevented the criminal complaint from being investigated.

These facts are set out in the book INFILTRES & Le Serment d'Archimède, see point 5.4 page 57.

In the criminal complaint filed against federal judges in 2001, everyone can verify that Me Foetisch had said that his offences would never be investigated before there was a statute of limitations.

The PIZZO of the parties was the means by which Foetisch could say that it was useless to file a complaint,

 for his crimes would never be investigated, until there was a statute of limitations

It should be noted that where the conflict of laws rule is violated, respect for the Constitution Value applies and there is no prescription. It is the censorship of the media on the State of no law that makes crimes can not be investigated.


The effect of PIZZO :

When Michael LAUBER held his secret audience with Gianni INFANTINO, he was aware that the PIZZO of parties allowed party members to violate citizens' rights with secret hearings. The members of the parties that elected him knew it too.
He knew that the president of the Confederation, Micheline Calmy-Rey, and Alain BERSET also knew when they intervened to violate the values of the Constitution by hiding from the people this complaint filed against federal judges, who had hidden from the people a secret audience showing corruption.

The members of the parties did not foresee that Michael LAUBER could put pressure on them, having obeyed their order to hide from the people this secret hearing of Judge Treccani with the defendants of 4M, which provoked the request for a parliamentary inquiry.

When party members reproached him for the secret hearing, without a record, with Gianni INFANTINO, the members of the parties have hidden from the people that Michael LAUBER was also in charge of this file with the secret hearing of Judge Treccani which had been smothered by the Federal Council and the federal judges.


Dr Erni had applied the Oath of Archimedes to inform the elected representatives that Michael LAUBER was also in charge of this file which also concerned a secret hearing.

On 10 May 2022, they did not anticipate that Dr. Erni would ask for the right of reply to RTS to show that RTS was censored on this file, and that the new Attorney General of the Confederation Stefan Blättler was also subject to the rules of the PIZZO.


It was then that the elected members of the parties in parliament censored the media.



In 2016, a lawyer proposed to Dr Erni to have a federal Councillor shot saying that words were no longer useful for the respect of Human Rights, he was referring to Maurice BAVAUD who had wanted to shoot HITLER.

A Shaman had another speech: it is necessary that all the elected ask why they were born and what is their destiny?

...Dr. Erni adds three questions here:

1) This shaman asked him why he met Foetisch and why did she meet him?

2) How is it possible that this shaman announced what was going to happen between 2001 and today? Dr Erni has since 2001 published hundreds of documents simply so that everyone can check whether these predictions are confirmed or not (it is a pure step of physicist) and scientists who are made in many fields!
We are talking about 8,000 documents or contacts made in 30 years, of which 5,000 allow the tracing of events.

) How is it that the Shaman predicted the attacks in New York, and the dangers related to finance that are not a Value of Life.

4) No god on earth allows humans to take their fortune after death. No man can explain to a shaman that one can destroy the planet by saying, my crimes will never be intruded because I am protected by the PIZZO of parties.

Dr Erni invites all citizens - who cannot answer the two questions "why I live" and "what is my destiny" - to set up an ANTI-PIZZO with rules of respect for human rights and the planet.

his ANTI-PIZZO will respect children, adolescents and young people by teaching them the Values of Life which are the mutual respect of each human being, including their environment.

The separation of powers can only work if the SUPERVISORY AUTHORITIES are composed of an elite of citizens who do not make politics and do not manipulate or censor the media. .

Respecting others is also reminding our elected officials that they are servants of the people and that as long as they cannot answer the questions: "why I was born" and "what is my destiny*, they cannot destroy the planet and violate the rights of other humans knowing that they are morta.

Everyone should read the book:

The INFILTRATORS & the Oath of Archimedes to find answers to their destiny and their duty towards children who come into the world without knowing the reasons.

This book is published free of charge on the internet link:



All citizens and magistrates can no longer ignore that the President of the Federal Court in his interview on the pizzo of parties, presented by the report of Temps Présent of 21 November 2024, said that without separation of powers there is no rule of law, Quote from:

""Without independence of the judiciary, there is no rule of law""

Read again : 250114DE_YD

With this statement, he explained the reasons why Foetisch said 30 years ago :

"it is no use to file a complaint"

But he also explained the reasons why, the Swiss government was severely criticised by the GRECO of the Council of Europe in 2023 for not taking steps to ensure respect for human rights, 250106DE_IG, page 4,



To set up an ANTI-PIZZO, consult the menu above "ANTI-PIZZO", where information will follow! !