
Micheline Calmy-Rey Perfidy



This site aims to break the silence on the economic crimes committed with magistrates' power which violate their Oath to observe the Constitution and with the power of lawyers which deceive privileges which bind them to the Courts

Table of Content :

1 Abstract : The new federal lock established by Micheline Calmy-Rey to empower the Swiss underworld, a real perfidy of the confederacy President with high risks for the future.
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Scoop of the LRCF demand liability for unlawful acts of officials of the Confederation
3.3 Verification audit of unlawfull acts committed with the Federal Lock
3.4 Damage which would not exist without the violation of Article 30 cste by federal authorities
3.5 The swearing of the Federal Council
3.6 President Function Duty of Micheline Calmy-Rey for this LRCF Demand
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Commented text of the alleged statement of the Federal Council signed by Micheline Calmy-Rey
4.3 Synthesis of perjury oath committed by Micheline Calmy-Rey
4.4 The new federal lock allowing criminality with complete impunity to lawyers and bankers
5.1 The goose that lays the golden eggs of the Federal Council for the crimes committed by the boss of the swiss underworld
5.2 Discredit Swiss judicial system with Prosecutor Pierre AUBERT example
5.3 Discredit the Swiss authorities abroad by the violation of ethical rules.



1 Abstract : The new federal lock established by Micheline Calmy-Rey to empower the Swiss underworld, a real perfidy of the confederacy President with high risks for the future.
  Micheline Calmy-Rey was federal Councillor from 2003 till 2011. She sweared to respect the Swiss Constitution and to observe in all her decisions the respect for the fundamental rights (article 35 cste).
At the head of the federal department of the Foreign Affairs, President of the Confederacy in 2007 and 2011, she had a strategic position to apply and enforce the Values of the Constitution. She had the power to end the criminality committed with the federal lock covering the crimes committed with the relations which bind the brotherhoods of lawyers to the Courts and the crimes committed with the professional secrecy of banks and the use of screen lawyers.
  From her coming to power, Micheline Calmy-Rey has to face the criminality committed by the Swiss underworld with the diktat of banks and the power of the federal Court. Through the information supplied in particular by Bradley Birkenfeld, by swiss who are indignant, by complaints of the foreign governments, she knows well the way the Swiss underworld operates to commit crimes with complete impunity abroad and in Switzerland. She has a perfect knowledge of the way the professional secrecy of banks and lawyers can be used to by-pass the respect for the Values of the Constitution with the federal lock. In particular, she will be informed in detail about the way high magistrates of Switzerland are faithless their Oath to observe the Constitution by applying vitiated procedures and by allowing the criminals to use screen lawyers to prevent the instruction of their breaches.
She knows that the legislator did not plan this case of criminality where professionals of the law, with their privileges which assure them the immunity, use the power of the federal Court to commit crimes with complete impunity. She knows that this case violates several fundamental rights of the Constitution. There is absence of division of powers and access to a neutral and independent Court for the victims of these crimes, (violation article 30 cste). There is discrimination for the victims and the absence of the equality in front of the law (violation article 8 cste). There is arbitrary treatment by the State of the victims of these crimes and violation of the rules of the good faith (violation article 9 cste). There is furthermore automatically betrayal of Oath by the magistrates who apply cunningly inferior rights for violating Swiss supreme law (violation of the article 35 cste).
As sworn Presidentin of the Confederacy, ambassadress of the Swiss Values, Micheline Calmy-Rey knows that she has the function duty and the power to propose to the Parliament laws to end the activities of the members of the Swiss underworld who use the federal lock, who grants them the immunity, to commit crimes with the protection of the federal Court.

When we review her reign, we have to admit that Micheline Calmy-Rey spoke about the respect for human rights with a lot of charisma. She built up for herself a media image of respectful person of the Values of ethics. In her retirement, she even wrote a book " Switzerland whom I wish ", where she polishes her image of former federal Councillor very committed for Switzerland .
An image can be misleading. (In 2003, while she was Genevan Member of the Council of State, before her election to the federal Council, Micheline Calmy-Rey had announced for her last budget a profit of 87 millions, while there was a deficit of 500 millions. Some of her political opponents consider that the real figures had deliberately been hidden not to alter her chances of election to the federal Council). Political manipulation or not, here we cannot know the truth.

But here, in what follows, we are going to present one claimed stand of the federal Council signed by Micheline Calmy-Rey, the only one, who shows that during her president's reign of the Confederacy, she obviously violated her Oath to observe the federal Constitution for covering crimes committed by the Swiss Underworld with among them, high magistrates of the federal Court. This claimed stand is a new very cunning federal lock which Micheline Calmy-Rey set up in July, 2011.
Cunningly, this new federal lock legalizes with an obnoxious reasoning the economic criminality committed with screen lawyers. We call here this document :" Micheline Calmy-Rey's perfidy "

  This document is only the headland of the iceberg of Micheline Calmy-Rey's dark side. We remind that Micheline Calmy-Rey had already had the same attitude in front of nearby countries which complained about crimes committed by the empire of the Swiss finance with the professional secrecy of banks and the use of screen lawyers.
By persisting in wanting to protect the Swiss underworld rather than to propose laws to the Parliament to end the criminality committed with the professional secrecy of banks and with the use of screen lawyers, Micheline Calmy-Rey has completely compromised the federal Council, as showed it the facts which passed after her resignation.

In particular, in 2014, the federal Council not having been able to restore the confidence in the respect for the Values of our Constitution, under the threats of reprisals, had to capitulate and end the federal lock which allowed the empire of the finance to use the professional secrecy of banks for by-passing the foreigner supreme rights.

It is likely that Micheline Calmy-Rey made lose billions to Switzerland by having taking the option not to respect the others by the preservation of the federal lock and its strengthening in 2011. The damage due to her betrayal of Oath is not yet ended.

Her slogan would have been able to be :

"We set up procedures vitiated to swindle you, it doesn't matter if you are not satisfied"

This slogan allowed her to offer herself one splendidly apartment of 3 millions with her salary and her golden pension of federal Councillor which she gained by violating extravagantly its Oath to respect the guaranteed rights by the federal Constitution. This slogan also allowed the bank managers as Marcel Ospel, etc. to retire with golden pension.

But also, for the first time in the history of Switzerland, foreign countries have understood that there are only the reprisals which are functioning against the Swiss magistrates who violate the supreme right with vitiated procedures and who exercise the federal lock.

The collateral damage of the betrayal of Oath by high Swiss magistrates puts in danger the independence and the neutrality of Switzerland. The only sure thing is that the Swiss are going to pay a very high price in the coming years for the betrayal of Oath of their magistrates.

The federal Council should rather end the new federal lock set up by Micheline Calmy-Rey and repair the damage committed with this lock if he wants to become again credible for the Swiss and the foreign countries.


2.1 LRCF is the federal law on the responsibility of the Confederacy, the members of its authorities and his state employees. By definition here, a demand LRCF is a demand for repairing damages according to LRCF.
2.2 OMERTA is the code of silence. It also exists in Switzerland. When citizens send a mail to deputees or to members of Parliament bringing the proofs of power abuse or violation of the constitutional laws by top leaders, they will not receive an answer. When an employee of a company witnesses that his company violates deliberately the laws of a country, he has to keep silent not to be dismissed. When journalists are informed about a case of power abuse made by a member of the underworld, they tell you that they do not dare to speak about it for fear of reprisals, even they risk to be dismissed.
2.3 SCREEN LAWYER is by definition here, a lawyer which a Court cannot make testify because it was forbidden to testify by a Brotherhood of lawyers.
2.4 UNDERWORLD is the environment of the organized crime. By definition, we call here the " SWISS UNDERWORLD " all the sworn magistrates who violate the article 35 of the federal Constitution. All the people who assume a task of the State and who also violate this article 35 of the Constitution. All the people who observe the OMERTA on the violation of the article 35 of the Constitution by sworn magistrates, while they were invited to act and while they have the power to act. All the lawyers which make an excessive use of their privileges to cover the economic criminality and the organized crime.
2.5 SWISS UNDERWORLD BOSS is by definition here a lawyer which enjoys the immunity for the crimes which he commits with the relations and the privileges which bind his corporation to the federal Court.
2.6 FEDERAL LOCK is by definition here all the decisions taken by high federal magistrates - who are faithless their Oath to respect the federal Constitution - for assuring the impunity to the Swiss underworld Bosses with the relations which bind their corporation to the federal Court. The federal lock comes from the article 30 cste violation by the federal Authorities which allow the brotherhoods of lawyers to use the power of the Courts to commit crimes.
2.7 FEDERAL LOCKING PROCEDURES are by definition here all the gangster's procedures, been organized by the brotherhoods of lawyers with members of the legislative, who allow the Swiss underworld bosses to use the power of the Courts to commit crimes and ruin the victims of their crimes to have to follow useless and unfair procedure for by-passing the respect of the guaranteed rights by the federal Constitution. These locking procedures allow to vitiated cunningly judgments and to hinder the legal action against the the Swiss underworld bosses.

One of the Swiss underworld Boss covered by the Micheline Calmy-Re's federal lock
As Bradley Birkenfeld revealed in the General public the occult procedures been organized by banks to by-pass the American law, Me Patrick Foetisch, on the opposite picture, is the Swiss Underworld Boss who revealed the existence of the federal lock which grants the immunity to the Swiss underworld Boss. It is about these federal locking procedures been organized by the brotherhoods of lawyers with members of the legislative. These federal locking procedures allow the members of the Swiss underworld to by-pass the respect for the guaranteed rights of the federal Constitution by reducing the decision making power of a federal judge to that of a lackey of the Swiss underworld boss.

  Me Claude ROUILLER One of the lackeys of the underworld Bosses applying the federal locking procedures
In 1995, the Swiss underworld Boss, Patrick Foetisch, had justified his breaches by the impunity which granted him the federal lock. This year, it was Me Claude Rouiller who was the President of the federal Court. In 2007, Me Claude ROUILLER has been appointed by the Vaudois Parliament to bring answers on the fundamental right violations revealed by the parliamentary inquiry demand of the public (Exihbit d311). Me Rouiller made a false expertise. He prevented cunningly the check of the elements exposed in the expertise by not presenting it to the main concerned people, who were the authors of the parliamentary inquiry demand and the lawyer representing Mr Erni. Invited to come for justifying the facts exposed in his expertise by these concerned people, Mr Rouiller refused to make it. He had applied a federal locking procedure for delivering a false expertise and preventing that the false expertise elements and deviation can be corrected. Me Claude ROUILLER is at present time the object of an interruption of prescription for false expertise.


3.1 Introduction

As we saw in the "introduction to Micheline Calmy-Rey's Perfidy" under the tab homepage. The Swiss Underworld Boss, Me Foetisch revealed that the powers which gave him his two caps, i.e. the one of lawyer and the other one of President administrator, allowed him to commit crimes with complete impunity by using the relations which bind the Courts to the brotherhoods of lawyers. The instruction of its breaches was automatically prevented by the federal lock.
He even added that if Mr Erni wanted to lodge a complaint, this immunity right for lawyers allowed him to create damages to Mr Erni and to demolish him by making him doing useless and unfair procedures by the Courts, without ever its breaches are investigated. He had revealed the existence of the federal lock which allow Swiss underworld Bosses to commit crimes with complete impunity with the protection of the federal court.

Mr Erni, not knowing the federal lock, decided to lodge a complaint. The President of the bar Philippe Richard, having acquainted with the statement of the complaint facts, forbade that the name of the President administrator Foetisch can appear in the complaint. It could pass only against Mr Penel, one accomplice, right hand of President Foetisch. The President of the bar had activated the federal lock to grant the immunity to Me Foetisch.
During 7 years the federal lock is going to hinder the legal action against the condemnation of this friend, which would bring down President Foetisch. When finally, an expertise is going to bring down this friend and to entail in its fall President Foetisch, the friend dies suddenly just in time to avoid the fall of President Foetisch. With its death, the case was automatically closed. But the interruptions of prescription against Me Foetisch and his accomplices remain.

The President Foetisch brotherhood uses then a screen lawyer witness to whom it attributes false words to accuse Mr Erni. It forbids this witness to testify by knowing that in Switzerland a Court cannot make testify a witness forbidden to testify by a lawyers Brotherhood. This process is used to blackmail Mr Erni and to reduce him to silence. Swiss underworld members will threaten Mr Erni to make him dismiss if he does not give up. Other Swiss underworld members will intrigue with his employer without him knowing.
His employer will inform Mr Erni that he cannot allow himself this affair. Mr Erni's lawyer will intervene by his employer to reassure him (exhibit d504). It will be of no use. An obnoxious blackmail is going to be exercised by the Swiss underworld which will violate all the rights of the defense.
An expertise of Professor Riklin will confirm that all the rights of the defense are violated, but it will be of no use. The members of the underworld, knowing to be protected by the federal lock, will require from Mr Erni that he gives up his rights, or they will demolish him in a public trial by violating all its rights.
Mr Erni will refuse to give in to the blackmail of the Swiss underworld. He knows that he has only to make testify the screen lawyer witness to contradict the false words which were cunningly awarded to this witness to accuse him.

A few months later, during the trial, Mr Erni requiring the respect for the guaranteed rights by the federal Constitution, requests that the President of the Court makes testify the main witness who is the alone witness who can prove the false accusation. It is the witness to whom President Foetisch brotherhoods has attributed cunningly false word for accusing Mr Erni. It is the only witness which can contradict these false words. The President of the Court teaches Mr Erni, that the relations which bind lawyers to the Courts do not allow him to make testify this witness because it was forbidden to testify by the lawyer brotherhood of the criminal. There is as a consequence no way to contradict the hypocrisy of the charge gone up with the relations which bind lawyers to the Courts. This trial made to Mr Erni is de facto only one of the federal locking procedures at arrangement of the Swiss underworld Bosses for creating damages to their victims with gangster's procedures.
It is the same type of methods which were organized by the Swiss banks to by-pass the foreigner supreme right. They are the methods described by Bradley Birkenfeld. These methods here allow to by-pass the guaranteed rights by the federal Constitution with the protection of Swiss underworld members of the federal Council.

The damage is going to be consequent. Mr Erni has already undergone a damage of several millions with the destruction of his company by Swiss underworld Boss Patrick Foetisch who had used the federal lock. This time the damage strikes a blow at the honor and at the personality. Further to this trial, Mr Erni will make dismissed by his employer who had warned him that he couldn't allow himself this affair with the position he had in the company. This means a damage of several hundred thousand francs. The expenses of the whole procedure with the expertises for the trial will exceed 100 000 francs. They will be completely put at Mr Erni expenses who has been false accused. Indeed, the false accusation gone up by members of the lawyer brotherhood with their lackeys of the federal Court was not able to be contradict because it was based on a witness forbidden to testify. It was a crime committed with disloyal procedures using the power of the federal lock.

The Swiss Underworld Boss had shown in a masterful way how the principle of impunity, that is to say the federal lock, allows even the lawyers to use the power of the Courts to create the damage to the victims of their crimes.

During this trial, the President of the Court, Bertand Sauterel, is going to malhandle the Public present in the audience of the trial by making seize a recorder in the Public. This act against the guaranteed rights by the Constitution with the systematic betrayal of its Oath to respect the federal Constitution is going to outrage the Public. The latter profoundly shocked, will decide to apply for parliamentary inquiry on the relations which bind lawyers to the Courts by noticing that these relations violate obviously the respect for the guaranteed rights by the federal Constitution and the guaranteed rights by the European Convention on Human Rights. They are the only witnesses of the way that the federal lock allows to vitiate judicial documents and to push aside the essential facts.

In this parliamentary inquiry demand, the Public announces as witness. He notices formally that the reduction of the power of the Courts by the brotherhoods of lawyers allows the Swiss Underworld Bosses to commit crimes with complete impunity. He also notices that lawyer brotherhoods force all the judges of the Courts to be faithless their Oath to respect the article 35 of the Constitution. In other words the federal judges are forced to commit illicit acts to allow the Swiss underworld Bosses to commit crimes with complete impunity by using the power of the Courts. It is on this principle that works the federal lock.

Mr Erni having seized the federal Authorities further to these crimes committed with the betrayal of magistrate's Oath. The latter answered him that the State had to repair the damage created by the illicit acts of his magistrates and that he had to apply for damage in responsibility of the State (LRCF demand).

The LRCF demand in responsibility of the state employees is simply going to expose the crimes committed with the federal lock, that means with the betrayal of Oath of these state employees and magistrates who have their power reduced by the relations which bind lawyers to the Courts. It will quote a whole series of federal locking procedures, that is to say gangster's procedures, which show how the relations which bind lawyers to the Courts allow to vitiate documents and to push aside the essential facts proving the crimes committed by the Swiss underworld Bosses. It shows simply that the victims of the Swiss underworld are excluded from the right for the justice and from the right to have their cause handled by a neutral and independent Court.

In summary, the observation of the illicit acts based on the violation of articles 8 (equality), 9 (ban on discrimination) 30 (access to a neutral and independent Court) is immediate.

It is what can verify Micheline Calmy-Rey, when she will acquaint with the damage demand in responsibility of the state employees.

3.2 Scoop of the LRCF demand liability for unlawful acts of officials of the Confederation.
  The demand in responsibility of the State presents the action of the federal bolt over 16 years of procedures with the illicit acts which ensue from it, which is from 1995 till 2010.
As mentioned by the Public in his parliamentary enquiry demand, see exhibit d311, it is not about an exceptional dysfunction, but of a set of dysfunction based on the relations which bind the lawyers brotherhoods to the justice :

Citation :
Madame la Présidente, Mesdames les députées, Messieurs les députés, nous vous laissons apprécier que si l'audience ci-dessus avait pu être enregistrée et publiée, l'opinion publique aurait de quoi de s'inquiéter de ce qui se passe dans nos tribunaux. Cette Justice n'est pas digne de notre Etat de droit.
Même si le contenu de cette audience ne peut plus être vérifié de par le choix du Juge d'interdire les enregistrements et cela contre la volonté de l'accusé, il n'en reste pas moins que nous étions témoins. Après ce que nous avons vu, nous ne pouvons pas garder le silence. Nous vous demandons instamment d'ouvrir une enquête sur cette affaire. Ce n'est pas un dysfonctionnement que nous avons vu mais un ensemble qui fait frémir

In this demand in responsibility of the State are described the illicit acts of several federal magistrates and state employees of the Confederacy according to the instructions given by the DFF to Mr Erni :

1 Damages (article 3 paragraph 1 LRCF)
1.2 Act of the people in charge of a public state function
1.3 Illicit nature of the acts
1.4 Damage and its quotity (Calculation without infringement on the personality)
1.5 Damage and its quotity (Calculation with infringement on the personality)
1.6 Relationship of adequate causality between the damage and the acts of the people in charge of a public state function
2 Moral repair (article 6 paragraph LRCF)
2.1 Serious infringement on the personality
2.2 The author of the infringement did not repair it
2.3 Public servant illicit act

This demand in responsibility of the State shows that no damage would have been created without the relations which reduce to the power decision of the Courts by the lawyers brotherhoods. The damage comes from the federal locking procedures which allow lawyers to commit crime with full impunity. It is a case which did not plan the legislator. The procedures of the federal locking to by-pass the Constitution federal as the procedures described by Bradley Birkenfeld to by-pass the American Constitution are illicit acts set up by the Swiss underworld.

The LRCF demand in responsibility of the State also files against the state employees of the legislative who reduced the power of the Courts by setting up the federal locking procedures. As we saw, these gangster's procedures are illicit acts. It is state employees who were faithless their Oath to respect the federal Constitution who set up these procedures of federal locking. The legislator has to respect the will of the Swiss people, expressed in the federal Constitution. According to the rules of the good faith, it is obvious that when a judge tells you that he cannot make testify a witness forbidden to testify by a lawyers brotherhood, because there is a federal lock which binds the lawyers brotherhoods to the Courts, the state employees who set up of federal lock discriminate the citizens and they committed an illicit act.

The demand in responsibility of the State also reports elements established during the processing of the parliamentary inquiry demand. These elements confirmed that the damage caused to Mr Erni came from the violation of the guaranteed rights by the federal Constitution by the federal lock application and that it had not to undergo this damage. For example, see exhibit d134.

The LRCF demand was deposited in April, 2011.

3.3 Verification audit of unlawful acts committed with the Federal Lock
a) Proofs brought by the Swiss underworld Boss, the Administrator President Patrick Foetisch

Mr Patrick Foetisch had announced that his crimes would never been investigated by the existence of his two caps of Administrator President / lawyer and the immunity protection of the federal lock for lawyer. There were 3 crimes, whether (i) mismanagement, (ii) theft / swindle, (iii) copyright violation.

Micheline Calmy-Rey was able to acquaint with crimes and especially with proofs of these crimes at disposal of the justice. She was able to verify that according to the rules of the good faith, the establishment of the crimes was immediate without the federal lock. She was able to discover that the federal locking procedures are gangster's procedures much more dishonest than those used by UBS in the USA to violate the American Constitution. She was able to verify notably that:


Magistrate's oath betrayal used to prevent the investigation of mismanagement crime
The proof of mismanagement was immediate. It was the main shareholder GH and an administrator of the company to the President Foetisch who held the proof of embezzlement as well as the holding of a double accounting by the President Foetisch to darken the embezzlements.
To prevent the investigation of the mismanagement, the judge Jean Treccani in charge of the crime investigation, will refuse to interview the administrator GH who is the main witness. He will remove in his judgment the mention of mismanagement crime. Even more, the Courts will remove from the trial files, parts which were under sequestration which allowed to prove the crime. As had announced it Mr Foetisch, the federal judges will exercise the federal lock by rejecting the appeals to obtain the investigation of the mismanagement.

Micheline Calmy-Rey was able to verify that the federal judges refused to bring back to the trial file, the parts under sequestration which were proof of mismanagement and released with an illicit act. She was also able to verify that the federal Judges refused to make investigating the mismanagement.
She was also able to verify that the federal lock forces the federal judges to violate their Oath to respect the article 35 of the Constitution in an extravagant way with methods similar but much more dishonest than those described by Bradley Birkenfeld in the USA used for violating USA Constitution.

ii) Magistrate's oath betrayal used to prevent the investigation of product theft and swindle crime
Theft proof was immediate. Having received the product (software), the President Foetisch had declared that the contract of command had never been valid because its lawyer signature was missing and he had refused to return the product. The product theft was automatically proved by the definition of the theft in the Swiss law. It is to underline that the contract was signed by two administrators of Mr Foetisch's company, who had the collective signature for two.
After the penal complaint has been lodged, Mr Foetisch, as accused person, has in the Swiss law the right to lie. This last one will assert that he held another contract, according to him, which was the contract applicable to the order of the product. It is a lie easy to check. In practice, the judge Jean Treccani had been able to verify with Mr Erni, during his audition, that the product stolen by Mr Foetisch corresponded to the specifications of the contract which were declared no valid by Mr Foetisch and which was valid because it was signed by two administrators who had the collective signature for two. The judge also knew by Mr Erni that there was no other contract with specifications applicable to the stolen product. The judge Treccani just had to make produce to Mr Foetisch the claimed contract than he pretend to hold for proving the lie.
Moreover, Mr Erni had required the hearing of the administrator shareholder GH who had signed the contract of command of the software. This last one could also give evidence that there were no other contracts which had served for ordering this software. .
To prevent the investigation of the product theft and swindle crime, the Judge Jean Treccani will refuse to hear the main witness of the swindle, whether the administrator shareholder who signed the contract of command of the product, which received the product and which can give evidence that there is no other contract of command for this product. Furthermore, the judge Treccani will neither make Mr Foetisch producing the false contract used for making the swindle, nor make producing the false contract used for making the swindle by the company which copied the software. With this cunning stratagem, the judge Treccani will pronounce the "dismissal of the charges" for Mr Foetisch, by arguing that there is profit of doubt for Mr Foetisch.
A lawyer explained to Mr Erni that since the judge Treccani had not made producing the false contract, even if the judge has the formal indirect proof that this contract was a forgery, on the penal plan, it was not proved that it was a forgery, because the judge has cunningly prevented that anybody can read the contract. It was a typical federal locking procedure for covering crimes committed by Swiss underworld boss. As had Mr Foetisch announced it, the federal judges will exercise the federal lock by rejecting the appeals to obtain the investigation of the crimes.

Micheline Calmy-Rey was able to verify that the federal judges refused to make investigating this crime. She was able to verify that the Judge Treccani granted the profit of the doubt to Mr Foetisch with the craftiness to have made never produce the contract that he knew however to be a forgery. Much more, she was able to verify that the Judge Treccani had received a civil judgment which had confirmed that the contract which had served for ordering the software that was signed by Mr Erni and both administrators was valid, and that Mr Foetisch had manifestly violated the rules of the good faith by claiming that it was not valid and that there was another valid contract.
Micheline Calmy-Rey knows that Mr Erni lost his company, whether a damage of several millions simply because Mr Foetisch used the federal lock to commit his crime. She knows that he would not have been able to commit his crime without his two caps which allowed him to use the federal lock to commit its crime. She knows that the methods used by the Swiss underworld to by-pass the Swiss Constitution are gangster's methods much more serious than those described by Bradley Birkfenfeld and by the American Senate.

iii) Magistrate's oath betrayal used to prevent the investigation copyright violation crime
Copyright violation proof was immediate. It was only necessary to read the contracts and to compare the specifications of the software with the contract held by the company which reproduced the software to establish the violation of the copyright.
Applying the federal locking procedures, the Judge Jean Treccani will not make produce the contract used by the company which reproduced the software. He will hear in secret the director of this company to identify the contract which they received from Mr Foetisch. Having the formal proof that Mr Foetisch handed them a false contract or that they made up this contract, its Court will remove of the file this PV of the hearing of the director every time the lawyers of Mr Erni consult the file. The judge Jean Treccani will pronounce the "dismissal of the charges" for lack of evidence by attributing cunningly false comments to a witness lawyer. With these false comments the judge will persuade in his judgment that Mr Erni would have authorized the reproduction of the software with this false contract. When Mr Erni discovered the trickery, he interrupted the prescription against the company which reproduced the software. As had Mr Foetisch announced it in spite of the dishonesty of the procedure, the federal judges rejected any appeal by applying the federal lock which assures the Swiss underworld bosses to commit crimes with complete impunity.

Micheline Calmy-Rey was able to verify that the federal judges exercised the federal lock and that the Courts have never made producing the false contract to the company which reproduced the software. She was also able to verify that Mr Erni interrupted the prescription when he discovered that the judge Treccani had heard in secret the director of the company who reproduced the software.
Micheline Calmy-Rey was able to verify that in reprisals, Mrs Ives Burnand, a colleague of Mr Foetisch accused then wrongly Mr Erni by asserting that the false contract which held the company which reproduced the software was not a forgery. As this contract was a forgery, Mrs Ives Burnand did not put it in the list of the penal complaint exhibits to prevent that his slanderous complaint can be established. To base her charge, Mr Ives Burnand attributed false comments to a witness lawyer whom her brotherhood forbade to testify. Micheline Calmy-Rey was able to verify that this federal locking procedure with a screen lawyer is unstoppable, because a Swiss Court cannot make testify a witness of crime forbidden to testify by lawyer brotherhood.

Micheline Calmy-Rey was able to verify that the methods used by the Swiss underworld to by-pass the Swiss Constitution are methods which have to envy nothing to those used by the Nazi Courts to scoff at the rights of the citizens.

b) Proofs brought by the Public of the illicit acts committed by magistrates and state employees of the Confederacy

It is the trial of this false accusation of Me Ives Burnand, where all Mr Erni's rights are violated which is going to show how the Swiss underworld Boss, Mr Foetisch can ruin and make demolish a citizen to follow useless procedures by using the federal lock and the protection which grant him his two caps.

The Public who attends this trial is going to be so much shocked and outraged by the federal locking procedures which violate all the guaranteed rights by the federal Constitution that he is going to deposit the parliamentary inquiry demand on the relations which bind the lawyer brotherhoods to the justice.

Through the LRCF demand, Micheline Calmy-Rey knows the gravity of acts described by this Public. She knows that the Public is more than credible. Among it, there is a parliamentary deputy professor from the EPFL and a very experienced lawyer.
She knows that the latter participated in the discussions with the vaudois Parliament.
She knows that nobody denied that the relations which bound the lawyer brotherhoods to the Courts discriminate the citizens victims of crimes committed by lawyers.
She knows that the politicians admitted that the federal locking procedures allowed the lawyers to commit crimes with complete impunity.
She knows that the supervisory boards of the justice put back the responsibility on the federal Court which does not make its work. She knows that the magistrates of lower right who commit illicit acts tell the justifiable: " that he can appeal and in the case where they violated his rights the federal Court will cancel the decision". She knows that this reasoning does not resist the examination, because the privileges granted to lawyers come from the legislator who allows the lawyers to commit crimes with the power of the Courts which are not independent.

Micheline Calmy-Rey was able to verify that the Public noticed the illicit acts of state employees and federal, following :

i) Illicit Act of betrayal Oath to respect the federal Constitution (violation article 35 cste)
  The public in his parliamentary inquiry demand notices the violation of the guaranteed rights by the European Convention on Human Rights. Rights which the federal Council made the commitment to respect through the Swiss Constitution, citation:
"Lors de cette audience, nous avons été témoins de pratiques utilisées qui font frémir. Elles mettent en cause toute la crédibilité et l’indépendance de notre justice en particulier face à l'Ordre des avocats. Elles violent la Convention Européenne des Droits de l'Homme à laquelle la Suisse a adhéré."
ii) Illicit act to violate the article 30 of the federal Constitution (Court neutrality and independence)
  The parliamentary inquiry demand processing with the Vaudois parliament allowed to establish that the Courts can be neither neutral, nor independents by the relations which bind them to the lawyer brotherhoods. The responsibility is put back to the legislator and to the federal Council, which violate obviously the respect for the article 30 of the federal Constitution by not having planned neutral and independent Courts to judge the criminality committed by the Swiss underworld Bosses with the federal lock.
iii) Illicit act to violate the equality in front of the law guaranteed by the federal Constitution (violation article 8 cste)
  The public noticed that the Courts violate the equality in front of the law for the victims of crimes committed by lawyers with procedures which make shiver. Among them are the procedures exposed in his parliamentary inquiry demand and those exposed during the parliamentary inquiry demand processing.
iv) Illicit act to create deliberate damages with abuses of power (violation article 9 cste)
  The public noticed that lawyers use Courts to commit crimes and create damages and that the victims have to pay the excessive procedures at the origin of this damage, which is an obvious violation of the article 9 of the federal Constitution. Citation:
"Le médiateur nous a exposé les particularités et les lacunes de la loi vaudoise dont s'est servi Me Foetisch pour spolier le Dr Erni. On en a pris acte. Il a été admis unanimement que le dommage causé au Dr Erni par ces particularités de la loi était inacceptable."
C) The proofs brought by the university expertise

In this file, Micheline Calmy-Rey was also able to verify that there had been a demand of reopening of the file based on a university expertise and new facts drafted by professionals of the law. (exhibit d407).
Micheline was able to verify the seriousness of the described facts. She could verify that in front of this facts showing magistrates' abuse of authority, the federal locking procedures allow the federal judges to cover whatever crimes committed by the Swiss underworld Bosses (exhibit d408).
We remind here that Mr Foetisch had announced that he committed his crimes because he was protected by the federal lock and because the federal judges were forced to grant him the immunity. He had said that he would ruin Mr Erni to make useless procedures. Mr Foetisch showed in a masterful way that the federal judges are only lackeys without ethics at the service of the Swiss underworld Bosses.

Micheline Calmy-Rey was able to appreciate the procedural subtleties, against the respect for the rules of the good faith, set up by federal civil servants who allow the federal Court to cover crimes committed by the Swiss underworld Bosses.

She was able to verify that the federal judges violated their Oath to respect the article 35 of the Constitution in a extravagant way with similar methods, but much more dishonest than those described by Bradley Birkenfeld in the USA.


3.4 Damage which would not exist without the violation of Article 30 cste by federal authorities

The federal lock which grants the impunity to of the Swiss underworld Bosses violates manifestly the respect of the Constitution. There is no separation of the powers anymore . The federal judges are forced to be faithless their Oath to respect the Constitution by rejecting necessarily all the appeals of the victims of crimes committed by lawyers in order to assure this impunity.

In the case of the affair described in the LRCF demand, it is obvious that if the President of the Court had been able to make testify the witness of the crime who was forbidden to testify by a private association, Mr Erni would have undergone no damage.
Also if Mr Foetisch would not have been allowed to use his two caps to commit his crimes, Mr Erni would have undergone no damage.

The absence of neutral, independent and impartial Courts to judge crimes committed with the power of the Courts by lawyers is at the origin of all this affair (violation of article 30 of the Constitution).
The legislator is forced to set up neutral, independent and impartial Courts to judge all the types of crimes. This requirement is indispensable to honor the respect of articles 8 : equality, and article 9 : protection against the arbitrary power. It is obvious that the legislator did not foresee the case, where lawyers were going to use the relations which bind their brotherhood to the Courts to commit crimes with the power of the Courts with complete impunity.

For that purpose, Micheline Calmy-Rey was made attentive in the LRCF demand that it is the violation of articles 8, 9 and 30 which comes from a loophole in the law made by the legislator which obliges the federal judges to commit illicit acts for according impunity to lawyers committing crimes with the protection of the federal lock.

3.5 The swearing of the Federal Council

All the members of federal council have to take the Oath to respect the federal Constitution.

  They have to undertake by Oath to respect the article 35 cste which requires that in all their decision, they must apply and respect the fundamental rights.
  They have the duty to propose laws to the federal Assembly if the implemented secondary laws do not allow to respect the guaranteed rights by the federal Constitution.
  In particular, in the case of the LRCF demand, they are held by their Oath to respect the fundamental rights for processing the demand.
3.6 President Function Duty of Micheline Calmy-Rey for processing this LRCF Demand

Micheline Calmy-Rey received a LRCF demand based on facts which has been confirmed by numerous witnesses.

  She was able to verify that the victims of the crimes committed by lawyers from Swiss underworld are excluded in the right for the justice by the federal Court which has to reject all their appeals for assuring the impunity to these Swiss underworkd Bosses who committed their crimes with the power of the Courts.
  She knows that this case was not foreseen by the legislator.
  She has the proofs that this case violates the guaranteed rights by the Swiss Constitution and the European Convention on human rights.
  She has the obligation to propose a fair compensation in the respect of the guaranteed fundamental rights by the federal Constitution.
  She has the duty to propose a law to the federal Assembly to set up Courts to judge the crimes committed by members of the judicial network for preventing this type of crimes not foreseen by the legislator.



4.1 Introduction

On July 6th, 2011, Micheline Calmy-Rey answered to the LRCF demand. She begins her letter with the header:

Your demand for damages and compensation by way of reparation moral against the Swiss Confederacy. Statement of the federal Council

The answer is only signed by Micheline Calmy-Rey which is sworn. She presents her answer as " the Statement of the federal council ". The reasoning made by Micheline Calmy-Rey in this answer violates extravagantly its Oath to respect the article 35 of the federal Constitution.
It is not credible that its text can be " the Statement of the federal council ". If it was the case, our federal Councillors would be real Garbage and "Kadhafi in power" which are violating the rights of the weakest and the rules of the good faith. Or real traitors who protect the interests of the Swiss underworld and his Bosses.

By respect for the ethics rules, as Micheline Calmy-Rey has manifestly violated its Oath to respect the federal Constitution in her answer, which is not cosigned by the other federal Councillors, Mr Erni wrote to the other federal Councillors to ask them to confirm that this answer was indeed their statement.

Without surprise:
No federal councillor wanted to confirm that he shared this statement of Micheline Calmy-Rey. We call consequently this text here : "The text of the alleged statement of the federal council given by Micheline Calmy-Rey".

If we considered that this alleged statement was actually the one of the federal Council, it would then be necessary to consider that:

  1. The federal Council has set up a NEW FEDERAL LOCK which allows banks and the Swiss underworld Bosses to by-pass cunningly the foreigner laws.
  2. This NEW FEDERAL LOCK would allow the criminals to use screen lawyers to commit crimes of all kinds with complete impunity against the Swiss and against the foreign countries with the protection of the federal Court.
  3. This NEW FEDERAL LOCK reduces the power of the federal Council which cannot propose any more laws to end the cases of criminality that the legislator did not plan.

It is a real perfidy committed by Micheline Calmy-Rey in 2011.

Today we publish on the Internet, the completeness of the text of this alleged statement of the federal Council given by Micheline Calmy-Rey.

If other federal Councillors share this alleged statement, we invite them to confirm it to the Press and to communicate it on this site, as well as to the governments of the foreigner countries.

Without these confirmation, we consider that this perfidy is only Micheline Calmy-Rey's work. It's time that the federal Council ends it by proposing a law to the federal Assembly to end the NEW FEDERAL LOCK which allows the criminals to use screen lawyers to commit crimes of all kinds with the protection of the federal Court.


Commented text of the alleged statement of the Federal Council signed by Micheline Calmy-Rey


For those who wish to consult the text entirely: Click here

We reproduce below only the interesting part of this text by showing how Micheline Calmy-Rey violates cunningly her Oath to respect the article 35 of the Constitution:

i) Micheline admits that the LRCF applies to the federal judges
  First of all, Micheline admits that the law in responsibility of the State applies to the federal judges and that the federal Council has to honor these demands. Citation :
  Citation : "La demande de dommages-intérêts et d'indemnité à titre de réparation morale dirigée contre le Tribunal fédéral entre en revanche dans le champ d'application de la loi sur la responsabilité en vertu de son art. 1 al. 1 let. c. En application de l'art. 3 al. 1 de l'ordonnance relative à la loi sur la responsabilité (RS 170.321) en relation avec les art. 1 al.
1 let. c et 10 al. 2 LRCF, il appartient au Conseil fédéral de se prononcer sur les demandes
résultant de l'activité officielle des membres du Tribunal fédéral. Le Conseil fédéral a dès lors
l'honneur de vous présenter, par la présente, sa prise de position sur votre demande de
dommages-intérêts et d'indemnité à titre de réparation morale dirigée contre le Tribunal
fédéral. "
ii) Micheline confirms then that the Confederacy has to compensate the damage caused by a federal judge
  Micheline specifies that the Confederacy is responsible of the damage caused without right to a third party by a federal judge.
  Citation : La Confédération suisse répond du dommage causé sans droit à un tiers par un juge fédéral (cf. l'art. 2 al. 1 LRCF) dans l'exercice de ses fonctions, sans égard à la faute de celui-ci (cf. l'art. 3 al. 1 LRCF).
iii) Micheline asserts then that the legislator planned a cunning article of law so that the Confederacy does not have to compensate the damage caused by a federal judge
  She asserts that the article 12 LRCF which says that the legality of the decisions, the orders and the judgments having strength of res judicata cannot be revised in a procedure in responsibility. This fact makes that the law of the responsibility of the Confederacy is never applicable to federal judges.
  Citation : Selon l'art. 12 LRCF, la légalité des décisions, d'arrêtés et de jugements ayant force de chose jugée ne peut pas être revue dans une procédure en responsabilité.
iv) Her explanation with the article 12, violating obviously the rules of the good faith, she pursues in the lie by holding an excessive and cunningly misleading reasoning.

In the LRCF demand, Micheline knows that Mr Erni did not ask to revise the legality of the federal Court judgment. It would have had no sense, because the LRCF does not allow to ask for it.
On the other hand, Micheline knows that the LRCF plans that damage caused without right by federal judges, that means cases of obvious abuse of authority, must be indemnified by the Confederacy. She knows that Mr Erni has been told by the federal Authority to deposit this demand due to these damages made without right.
She knows furthermore that she has to respect the guaranteed rights by the article 35 in any decision which she motivates.
Violating here obviously her Oath to respect the federal Constitution, she still holds the excessive following reasoning to persuade that Mr Erni made a demand to revise the legality of the judgment of the federal Court:

  Citation : Autrement dit, l'art. 12 LRCF soustrait à l'examen du Conseil fédéral la légalité des arrêts ayant force de chose jugée.
v) Micheline then floods the reader with disloyal reasoning without interests as there was no request for revising the legality of the judgments.
  While the base of its reasoning violates her Oath to respect the article 35 of the federal Constitution, Micheline pursues in her excessive reasoning by applying it to judgments which show the abuse of authority of the TF. She knows that these illicit acts of federal judges prevent any investigation of crimes committed by lawyers with the relations which bind them to the federal Court. But even so, Micheline Calmy-Rey knows that these judgments could not exist without the relations which bind the brotherhoods of lawyers to the federal Court. Whatever, she knows that these judgments are without right and that her reasoning violates obviously the rules of the good faith, she continues to do her disloyal reasoning.
  Citation : Or, les arrêts du Tribunal fédéral acquièrent force de chose jugée le jour où ils sont prononcés en vertu de l'art. 61 de la loi sur le Tribunal fédéral (LTF; RS 173.110). Le Conseil fédéral ne peut donc pas revoir les arrêts rendus par le Tribunal fédéral les 8 décembre 2000 (1 P.642/2000), 24 mai 2006 (1 P.170/2006), 31 mars 2010 (5A_163/2010) et 30 avril 2010 (6B_281/2010).
vi) Micheline concludes in President of the Confederacy wrongly indignant that Mr Erni, one of representative of the people, could ask her to revise a judgment of the TF, while he did not ask for it, and while she knows that she lies and violates her duty of function with a reasoning violating the rules of the good faith.

Micheline has taken the Oath to respect in all the decisions which she takes: the equality (article 8 cste), the access to a neutral, independent and impartial Court (article 30 cste) and not to let the State treat the citizens in an arbitrary way (article 9 cste). She acquainted with the way the Brotherhoods of lawyers use the federal Court to commit crimes for the benefit of their members. She knows that there is obvious violation of the guaranteed fundamental rights by the Constitution. It is a violation of the supreme law.
She has just held a dishonest reasoning, by saying that the legality of a judgment cannot be revised in a procedure in responsibility article LRCF 12, while she knows that Mr Erni has never asked to revise the legality of a judgment in the LCRF demand.
Even more, she knows that in case of right conflict, the supreme right must be respected. As President of the Confederacy, she has the power and the duty of function to apply the superior right and to propose to the Assembly federal a corrective if the lower right would not allow to respect the supreme right.

On the contrary, playing the woman wrongly indignant, she tries here to persuade that Mr Erni, Swiss representative of the people, wants to question the judgments that is to say these acts of authority abuses of the federal judges, with the LRCF demand. She knows that she lies, while Mr Erni did not ask for the revision of the judgment and while it would have no sense. History cannot be rewritten.
She knows that these acts of authority abuse of the federal judges come from the fact that the legislator did not plan independent Courts to judge the crimes committed by members of the Swiss underworld with the relations which bind the lawyer brotherhoods to the federal Court. She knows that the only remedy is to legislate.

Micheline knows that its president's function duty of the Confederacy is to assure the implementation of a neutral and independent Court to make judge the crimes committed with screen lawyers, but it is not even required by the LRCF demand. It is simply the president's specifications of function of the Confederacy and its Oath which obliges her to propose a law to the Parliament for ending these discriminations in front of the law.

Here Micheline shows that she is not only a traitors but also a high manipulator !

  Citation : En effet, il serait inadmissible qu'un arrêt acquière force de chose jugée et que l'on puisse néanmoins le remettre en cause dans une procédure en responsabilité
vii) With this reasoning violating obviously its Oath to respect the Constitution and by having cunningly hidden one part of the facts, Micheline rejects the demand
  We remind here that the demand was deposited not only against the abuse of authority of federal Judges but also against the federal state employees who set up the relations which bind the lawyer brotherhoods to the Courts. It is obvious that the state employees who set up the federal locking procedures, who allow the members of the lawyer brotherhoods to use the power of the federal Court to commit crimes with complete impunity, committed illicit acts for which the confederacy is responsible of the damage.
Micheline rejects the demand by having hidden completely these state employees who work for the Swiss underworld Bosses.
  Vu ce qui précède, votre demande de dommages-intérêts et d'indemnité à titre de réparation morale déposée le 12 avril 2011 contre la Confédération suisse doit être intégralement rejetée.
viii) By rejecting the demand Micheline Calmy-Rey has the obligation to propose an avenue of recourse in front of a neutral and independent Court as she made the Oath and that she has the power to respect it by her function duty

Micheline knows that the case of crimes committed by professionals of the law with the relations which bind the Courts to the lawyer brotherhoods was neither imagined, nor planned by the legislator, so much it is dishonest.
She knows that it is the ones who have to mete out the justice and who have received privileges for doing it, who abuse of their privileges to commit crimes with this power.
As sworn President of the Confederacy, she took the oath to respect the guaranteed rights by the federal Constitution. In particular, she swore to respect the article 30 cste. This latter for her function duty consists in guaranteeing to the Swiss people the access to neutral, independent and impartial Courts for judging the crimes.

She also swore to respect the European Convention on Human Rights. By her Oath of President of the Confederacy, she has the power and she is obliged to give access to the citizens to impartial and independent neutral Courts, (article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

She knows that the federal Court is not independent due to the nature of the committed crimes. She knows that without the relations which bind lawyers' Brotherhoods to the federal Court, there would have been no damage. It is the case which was not foreseen by the legislator. She knows with the elements of the demand, for example, she knows that the legislator did not foresee that a court cannot make testify a screen-lawyer used to accuse wrongly a citizen to cover a crime committed by professionals of the law.

She knows that the federal Court cannot judge an appeal for a LRCF demand which concerns its limitation of power by lawyers' brotherhoods because it is not independent. She knows that this power limitation is at the origin of the acts of authority abuse committed by the magistrates who are obliged to give the immunity to the Swiss underworld Bosses.

She knows that an appeal for such LRCF demand would be automatically rejected with an act of authority abuse of the federal Court, because federal Court magistrates are forced to do it due to the relations which bind the magistrates to the lawyers' brotherhoods.

Again violating extravagantly her Oath of president of the Confederacy to honor the federal Constitution, Micheline indicates to Mr Erni that he can appeal to the federal Court against the alleged statement of the federal council.

We remind here that no federal Councillor recognized that this alleged statement of the federal council signed by Micheline had been taken by him. Only Micheline Calmy-Rey who signed this alleged statement is bearing the responsibility of it. The avenue of recourse which she proposes violate her Oath to respect the Constitution and her function duty.

  Citation : Si vous n'êtes pas d'accord avec notre prise de position, nous attirons votre attention au délai de six mois à compter de la notification de la présente prise de position, sous peine de péremption, pour introduire une action auprès du Tribunal fédéral, 1014 Lausanne (cf. les art. 3 al. 2 de l'ordonnance relative à la loi sur la responsabilité en relation avec les art. 10 al.


4.3 Synthesis of perjury oath committed by Micheline Calmy-Rey
i) Responsibilities and duty of the President of the Confederacy

We remind that Micheline Calmy-Rey is the President of the Confederacy. It is a function which can be assumed only by a person who took the oath to observe the Constitution and to apply in all its decisions the respect for the constitutional fundamental rights (art 35), of which :
art. 8) respect of equality before the law
art. 9) Respect of protection against arbitrary conduct and respect of principle of good faith
art.30) respect of the right to have their case heard by a legally constituted, competent, independent and impartial Court

  We remind that the person who occupies this function has the power and the duty of function to propose laws to the federal Assembly to assure the respect of the Constitution for the cases which did not plan the legislator.
ii) Of the contents of the LRCF demand coming from illicit acts committed with the federal lock protecting lawyers

MIcheline Calmy-Rey knows that the LRCF demand presents damage created in an illicit way by lawyers which use the relations which bind their brotherhood to the Courts to commit crimes with complete impunity.


As the parliamentary inquiry demand established it, Micheline knows that the legislator did not plan that lawyers were going to use the relations which bind their brotherhoods to the Courts as a blanket to commit crimes with complete impunity, in the same way as the legislator did not plan that banks were going to use the blanket of the bank secrecy to commit crimes abroad with complete impunity.


As the parliamentary inquiry demand established it, she knows that the federal Assembly and the federal Council did not plan neutral, impartial and independent Courts to judge crimes committed by lawyers who use the relations which bind their brotherhood to the Courts for committing crimes. There is evidence of the violation of the article 30 of the Constitution.

  She knows that the Swiss underworld Boss at the origin of the damage have even explained that he committed his crimes by using his double cap which prevented the investigation of its crimes by the Courts. There is evidence of the violation of articles 8 and 9 of the Constitution.
  She knows that the President of one of the Courts at the origin of the damage even confirmed that he could not make testify the only witness of the crime which could avoid the damage because this witness was forbidden to testify by the brotherhood of the lawyer of the criminal. The Courts are not independent and neutral for crimes committed by lawyers.
  As the parliamentary inquiry demand established, she knows that the damage would not exist without the violation of the fundamental rights by the relations which bind the brotherhoods of lawyers to the Courts and which allow them to commit crimes with complete impunity by using in particular screen lawyers.
  She knows that it is not acceptable that Courts can be used for creating damages to citizen by applying the federal locking procedures which allow lawyers to use screen lawyers and the power of the Courts to commit crimes with complete impunity.
  She knows that all the damage was created by state employees of the confederacy who act without right, by violating their Oath to respect articles 30, 8 and 9 of the federal Constitution.
iii) Of the statement of the President of the Confederacy who is faithless her Oath of function

Micheline Calmy-Rey sent one alleged statement of the federal Council which is extravagant and which is an insult to the Swiss people. It is a real perfidy on behalf of the President of the Confederacy.


With a reasoning violating the rules of the good faith, Micheline Calmy-Rey asserts cunningly that :

The damage caused by acts of authority abuses, without right, of federal judges is not covered by the law on the responsibility of the State, because the legislator planned a subtlety of procedure in order not to cover this damage, namely that we cannot ask to to revise the legality of a decision of a federal judge in a demand of damages.
This unfair and disloyal statement allows any institution to commit crimes with complete impunity by using screen lawyers with the protection of the federal Court ! It is the new " FEDERAL LOCK" of the federal Council

She adds that those who do not agree with her, have the avenue of recourse of the federal Court, which commits these acts of authority abuse of. It is an obvious violation of the article 30 of the Constitution by the President of the Confederation.

To underline that no federal Councillor wanted to confirm that he shared this Micheline Calmy-Rey's statement which violates extravagantly the Oath of function of the federal Councillors.

This statement is de facto a "NEW FEDERAL LOCK" which legalizes the organized crime committed with SCREEN-LAWYERS

iv) Of the Oath of function violated extravagantly by Micheline Calmy-Rey
A) The facts quoted in the statement which are not in relations with all the LRCF Demand facts
  Cunningly Micheline Calmy-Rey does not quote either the nature of the illicit acts, or the state employee's names who committed them. She knows that the LRCF demand is not only against the federal judges but also against the state employees who set up the relations which bind the Courts to the Lawyers brotherhoods for committing crimes with complete impunity. She also knows that the nature of the illicit acts with the absence of a neutral, independent and impartial Court concerns not only the responsibility of the federal judges but also the responsibility of other state employees.
B) Interpretation contrary to the rules of the good faith of the law on the responsibility of the Confederacy
  In the demand of damage, Mr Erni did not ask to revise the legality of the judgments of the TF because the law does not allow it. Micheline knows that the revision of the legality of the judgment is another action than the repair of a damage without admission of liability. It is a fundamentally dishonest and unfair statement from Micheline Calmy-Rey.
C) Violation of the right to have an avenue of recourse in front of a neutral and independent Court
  Micheline Calmy-Rey behaves as a real garbage by indicating as avenue of recourse the federal Court which commits the illicit acts. They are the methods used by Bernard Madoff to swindle the citizens. She is a sworn president of the confederacy. She has the duty of function and the power to adapt the law so that an appeal can be exercised in front of a neutral and independent Court.
D) Violation of her function duty of President of the Confederacy and the perfidy
  Micheline Calmy-Rey knows that the legislator and the federal Council did not plan the case where the relations which bind the brotherhoods of lawyers to the Courts are going to be used by lawyers to commit crimes.
Her duty of function obliges her to guarantee the equity and the processing of the LRCF citizens demand in a not arbitrary way by the State.
She knows that she has the obligation to set up neutral and independent Courts to judge this new criminality type.
4.4 The NEW FEDERAL LOCK allowing criminality with complete impunity to lawyers and bankers

The alleged Statement of the federal Council given by Micheline Calmy-Rey in 2011 was not confirmed by the other federal Councillors. It is however applied today by the federal Council. We call it the new federal lock.

  We remind here that the new federal lock set up by the president of the confederacy allows banks and lawyers to use screen-lawyers to commit crimes with complete impunity with the protection of the federal Court, in Switzerland and abroad.
  The instructions for use were given by the federal Court. They are quite simple:
You must remember that :" The Swiss Courts cannot make testify a screen-lawyer forbidden to testify by a Brotherhood of lawyers". In consequence :

For those who want to commit crimes with the absolved protection of the federal Court in Switzerland or abroad, it is just necessary to hire a screen-lawyer for using his name in place or yours and to find a brotherhood of lawyers in Switzerland who forbids this screen lawyer to testify.

Automatically no Court in Switzerland can make testify this screen lawyer even if he witnesses a crime. The federal Council will refuse any compensation for these types of crimes.

In a general way, all the Swiss underworlds Bosses are protected by the federal Court. It is sufficient to address the latter.



5.1 The goose that lays the golden eggs of the Federal Council for the crimes committed by the boss of the Swiss underworld
  Micheline Calmy-Rey made this decision in 2011 while the criminality committed with the bank secrecy was not any more accepted by foreign countries to Switzerland.
  The new federal lock is a very powerful instrument for the Swiss underworld. He allows not only to evade taxes but also to commit thefts, swindles by using screen-lawyers under the protection of the federal court.

In the case of this LRCF demand, we saw how one of the Swiss underworld Bosses, Yves Burnand, commits a damage of several millions by using a screen-lawyer to whom, he attributes false words to cover a theft of company and a swindle with a false contract.

5.2 Discredit Swiss judicial system with Prosecutor Pierre AUBERT example
  After Micheline Calmy-Rey's perfidy, Prosecutor Pierre Aubert summoned Mr Erni who had lodged a complaint against criminal organization.
Among the accused, there was one of the Swiss underworld Bosses, Me Philippe Bauer, former President of the bar, President of the Neuchâtel Big Council. It is one of the Swiss underworld Bosses who obtained that the federal Court prevents that a Court can make testify the screen lawyer used by the former President of the Vaudois bar Ives Burnand to accuse wrongly Mr Erni in this crime case committed with screen lawyers.

Prosecutor Pierre AUBERT saw that Micheline Calmy-Rey covered the crimes committed with the bank secrecy. He saw that she set up a NEW FEDERAL LOCK to cover the crimes committed by the Swiss underworld Bosses by being faithless her Oath of function of President of the Confederacy.
At that time, in 2012, foreign countries had not yet exercised reprisals against the Swiss Authorities which covered the organized crime with the bank secrecy.
Pierre AUBERT explained to Mr Erni that he could respect his magistrate's Oath and conduct the investigation by respecting the article 35 cste. But he had chosen not to make it. Apparently he considered that if the President of the Confederacy violated her Oath of function duty of President, all the magistrates are allowed to do the same. Micheline Calmy-Rey was the example to follow!

  Prosecutor Pierre Aubert considered moreover that the majority of members of parliament in Switzerland laugh at the respect for the Values of the Constitution and that they are not going to end Micheline Calmy-Rey's perfidy.

The only fear of Prosecutor Pierre AUBERT was that by being faithless his Oath to respect the Constitution, i.e. that by violating the rights of the victims of crimes committed by the Swiss underworld, the victims could be brought to exercise bloody reprisals against the members of the Swiss underworld.
He gave a very powerful message to the citizens, victims of crimes of the Swiss underworld with screen lawyers! It is that there were only the reprisals which can bring the politicians to take measure for ending the crimes committed by the Swiss underworld. It means that today, the victims of crimes committed by lawyers have no more right in Switzerland.
He refused that this hearing takes place in the presence of a lawyer and he even threatened Mr Erni. His statement shows that the Neuchâtelois prosecutors have no more the free hands. A Prosecutor who is aware that if he violates his Oath of function, his resulting comportment could start legitimated reprisals but who decides all the same to violate his oath of function is the image of a very sick justice and especially corrupted Authorities.
Apparently the relation which binds the Brotherhood of Me Philippe Bauer to the federal Court does not allow any more the Neuchâtel judiciary to respect their Oath of function. We remind that the former president of the bar, Philippe Bauer, former president of the Neuchâtel Parliament, showed that the Courts owe obedience to its Brotherhood.
We find here this reduction of the power of the Courts observed by the Public in his parliamentary inquiry demand deposited in 2005, see exhibit d311. It would be necessary that some honest members of Neuchâtel parliament have a little more courage to enforce the Values of the Constitution. The respect of Philippe Bauer's interests and of those of his Brotherhood should not be the objective of the Neuchâtel Courts! For that purpose, it is necessary to legislate so that the violation of the Oath of function to respect the article 35 cste become a serious fault. It will avoid that magistrates are only the lackeys of the Neuchâtel underworld Bosses..
In 2014, they are the foreign countries, of which the American senate representing USA, which have reached the same conclusions as Prosecutor Pierre Aubert. They understood that only reprisals against the Swiss Authorities would end the crimes committed by the Swiss underworld with the bank secrecy.

Crimes committed with the NEW FEDERAL LOCK of Micheline Calmy-Rey is the challenge of tomorrow for Swiss people and foreign countries.

5.3 Discredit the Swiss authorities abroad by the violation of ethical rules
  Foreign countries understood that there were only reprisals against the Swiss government which allowed to end the criminality committed with the bank secrecy.
  With the perfidy of the President of the Confederacy who replaces advantageously the bank secrecy by the NEW FEDERAL LOCK. The political statement taken by the federal Council for the respect of the Values of ethics will be contradictory to the crimes which the federal Council allows to bankers and Swiss underworld Bosses to commit with the NEW FEDERAL LOCK implemented by Micheline Calmy-Rey.

If the federal Council wants to dissociate itself of its alleged Statement given by Micheline Calmy-Rey, it's time that the federal Councillors show in a concrete and credible way that they are not the Garbage and unfair people described by Micheline Calmy-Rey !

It's time that they show that the respect of the function Oath of federal Councillor and the respect of Ethics Values has the priority on the the protection of the interests of Swiss underworld Bosses with the NEW FEDERAL LOCK.
It's time that the federal Council sets up credible measures to condemn and dismiss the magistrates who are faithless their Oath to respect the Swiss Constitution.

The magistrates who obey the diktat of banks and lawyers do not serve the interests of Switzerland, but those of the Swiss underworld Bosses

The NEW FEDERAL LOCK set up by Micheline Calmy-Rey who allows banks and the Swiss underworld Bosses to commit crimes with complete impunity by using SCREEN-LAWYERS with the protection of the federal Court violate the Values of the Swiss people.




Sohn von Tell.