SAUVEGARDEZ VOS DROITS FONDAMENTAUX / PROTECT YOUR FUNDAMENTALS RIGHTS SIGNEZ LA PETITION ICI / SIGN PETITION HERE L'avocat de l'Etat vous informe ci-dessous sur les procédures judiciaires occultes permettant de violer vos droits constitutionnels |
VIOLATION DU DROIT D'ÊTRE ENTENDU - VIOLATION OF THE RIGHT TO BE HEARD Révélation de Me de Rougemont : le Réseau d'une Confrérie d'avocats met en danger de mort les députés Revelation of Me de Rougemont : lawyers brotherhoods network put in danger of death members of Parliament
CENSURE ROMPUE AVEC UNE PLAINTE PENALE Me Bettex, confondu par un "audit de contrôle" fait selon démarche ISO 19011, révèle finalement l'existance d'une procédure utilisée par sa confrérie OAV pour commettre des crimes avec le pouvoir des Tribunaux en toute impunité ! Me Bettex, confounded by an "audit of control " made according to ISO19011 approach, reveals finally the existance of a procedure used by his lawyer brotherhoods network to commit crimes with the power of the Courts, with complete impunity |
Si l'avocat de l'Etat censure aussi la Presse, vous aurez le suivi sur ce site !!! |
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Par définition, l'ensemble des magistrats qui parjurent leur Serment de respecter la Constitution fédérale, font partie des cadres de la PEGRE SUISSE. |
By definition, all the magistrates who are faithless their Oath to respect the federal Constitution, are members of the executive seniors of the SWISS UNDERWORLD |
Voici deux photos qui ont fait le tour du monde. Elles sont deux symboles suisses de leader qui ont parjuré leur Serment de respecter les lois d'un pays pour couvrir de la criminalité économique.
Here are two photos, which made the tour of the world. They are two leader's Swiss symbols which were faithless their Oath to respect the laws of a country for covering economical criminality.
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Photo : Micheline Calmy-Rey, Conseillère fédérale. Iran, mars 2008. La félonne qui a pris des décisions pour couvrir la criminalité économique commise avec le secret professionnel des banques et des avocats. Picture : Micheline Calmy-Rey, federal Counselor. Iran, March 2008.The traitress who made decisions to cover the economic criminality committed with the professional secrecy of banks and lawyers. |
Photo: Brady Dougan CEO du Crédit suisse prêtant Serment devant le Sénat américain, le 27 février 2014. De ses employés ont fourni publiquement des témoignages qui montre qu'il aurait parjuré son Serment. Le CS a fini finalement décidé de plaider coupable. Picture : Brady Dougan, Swiss Credit CEO, taking oath in front of the American senate on May 27th, 2014. Some from his employees consider that he did not tell the truth and that they were betrayed.The SC finally decided to plead guilty |
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Photo prise lors de l'Interrogatoire de Brady Dougan par le Sénat. Le sénateur McCAIN présente comment le secret professionnel des banques mis en place par le gouvernement suisse est utilisé par le Credit Suisse pour violer la loi américaine. Picture : Brady Dougan's interrogation to the senate. Senator McCAIN presents how the professional secrecy of banks set up by the Swiss government is used by Swiss Credit to violate the American law. |
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Une situation indigne pour les Autorités suisses
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An indignant situation for the Swiss AutoritiesBUT DU SITE
Ce site a pour but de rompre le silence sur les crimes économiques commis avec le pouvoir de magistrats qui violent leur Serment d'observer la Constitution ainsi qu'avec le pouvoir d'avocats qui abusent des privilèges qui les lient aux Tribunaux. L'un des thèmes traités sera la criminalité commise avec les avocats écrans protégés par le nouveau verrou fédéral qui remplace le secret bancaire. On l'appelle aussi la félonie de Micheline Calmy-Rey.
The indignation of the Germans, the French people, the Americans and the numerous Swiss on the economic criminality allowed by the Swiss Authorities with unfair procedures is justified. The betrayal of their Oath to observe the Constitution and his laws by tactless Swiss magistrates is at the origin of the economic crime committed with the professional secrets of banks and lawyers. The betrayal of Oath to observe the Constitution and his laws by Swiss magistrates was a Taboo subject up to this audience of February 27th, 2014 to the American Senate and to the reprisals organized against Switzerland. The betrayal of Oath to observe the Swiss Constitution by dishonest magistrates who by-pass the respect of the Constitution Values with vitiated procedures does not date of yesterday. In 2001, Friedrich Leibacher had committed suicide publicly by blaming the magistrate Robert Bisig for violating the guaranteed rights by the Constitution. His death did not allow to establish the Truth. As we saw above, from 2007, it is the foreign countries which began not to accept any more the unfair procedures allowed by the Swiss government to commit some economic criminality with complete impunity. In 2014, for the first time the American Senate brings the proof of gangster's methods allowed by the Swiss government to violate the American law. The risks of French and American reprisals make that employees of the CS and UBS do not dare to travel any more abroad for fear of being arrested while they committed no fault in Switzerland. Today it is necessary to notice that the blocking of the smooth running of the Swiss Constitution by these magistats which are faithless their Oath to respect the Values of the Constitution becomes unbearable.
Action to break the OMERTA on the betrayal of Oath : We are going to handle on this site a study case which is still current. It is about the Betrayal of the Oath of respecting the federal Constitution makes by Micheline Calmy-Rey, in 2011, while she was President of the Confederacy. Micheline had the power and the duty of function to end the economic criminality committed with screen lawyers. On the contrary, she reinforced the power of screen lawyers by putting in place a new federal lock which allows them to commit crimes with the protection of the federal Court. It is a violation of the division of powers Its statement and its decision were not cancelled by the federal Council while Micheline Calmy-Rey refused to confirm that she had respected her Oath. There is an OMERTA on this affair. Since 2011, a whole series of unfair procedure were opened to try to suffocate the case. Numerous magistrates have to violate their Oath to observe the Constitution to try to suffocate this betrayal of Micheline Calmy-Rey's oath. When they are invited to confirm that they honored their Oath to respect the Constitution, they generally refuse. This current, typical example of Switzerland, will allow each to have its own judgment on the betrayal of Oath who is the main tool of the Swiss underworld to commit economic criminality in Switzerland and abroad.
Under the tab "Oath / Betrayal", you will regularly find the name of a magistrate whose action is related to the betrayal of Micheline Calmy-Rey and the use of the new federal lock for committing crimes with screen lawyers. This magistrate, on the basis of well defined documents, will be invited to confirm that he respected his Oath to observe the Constitution. So, you can " in live " discover the procedures used by Swiss Authorities to handle the affair Calmy-Rey. For those who discover the Swiss underworld on this site and who did not know these processes of economic criminality, please broadcast them around you. The best way to fight the Underworld is to put in the light what they are doing in the darkness. Today, Switzerland is the object of reprisals of foreign countries because it does not respect any more the Values of its Constitution and because it is not credible any more. The organized crime is very harmful to Switzerland for the long term.
Il ne suffit pas de lever la main pour dire qu'on respecte les Valeurs de la Constitution suisse pour que ce soit vrai ! Ce sont les décisions qu'on prend qui prouve qu'on respecte les Valeurs de la Constitution.
IIt is not enough to raise the hand to say that we respect the Values of the Swiss Constitution so that it is true! It is the decisions which we take which proves that we respect the Values of the Constitution !
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Figure : Serment of the Federal Council to respect the Values of the Swiss Constitution
Warning : Original text is in French. The english version is a translation of the french version. It is not validated. In case of doubt on the sense, always the french version makes reference.
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